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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

To commemorate this special day full of romance (for some - for me, not so much yet...but someday, right?) I compiled a list of my top 5 favorite love stories - the ones I always come back to. The ones I have yet to get tired of. Here they are:

1. Pride & Prejudice - this book will always be one of my favorites. Not only is it romantic, but it realistically characterizes people, their motivations, their personal growths, and their shortcomings. It feels very real while still remaining a bit fairy tale - completely delightful.

2. The Scarlet Pimpernel - I adore this book and most of the film versions of the story (especially the Jane Seymour one). It is, at all times, an adventure, a comedy, a political commentary, a caper, and a romance. AND it has a rather enjoyable musical theater version. What more could you want?

3. When Harry Met Sally. This movie is absolutely wonderful. I love most of Nora Ephron's work (Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail), but I think this is probably her best and my favorite. I think this RomCom is more true to life than most - the person we end up falling in love with is most always not a love-at-first-sight person, but an old friend. At least I think that's the way it should be. The writing of the movie is clever, the characters are quirky yet real, and it still pulls off what some would say is a cliche ending without once feeling cliche. (Note: this movie is not for kids. I'll just leave it at that. The edited version (ClearPlay or otherwise) is fantastic.)

4. Romancing the Stone. This has been a favorite of mine since I was really young - too young to actually understand what was even going on. But I understood enough. I think I see myself in Joan Wilder, the rather dowdy romance novelist who spends her days thinking up grand stories rather than living one. I guess I want what happened to her to happen to me - I want to live an adventure romance. I wouldn't mind ending up with a guy like Michael Douglas either.

5. The Music Man. This story is probably my all-time favorite. Not only is it a fantastic musical, but Harold Hill is one of the most complex characters I have ever encountered. And I love him to death. I could spout on an on about the brilliance of this show. I just think there's nothing more romantic than someone believing in someone else so much that they make them a better person. Marian sees what Harold wants to be (even if he denies it) and helps him get there. And he likewise brings her out of her shell. All around, everyone is happier!

So tonight, instead of being with attractive men, I will most likely be doing my taxes while watching attractive men on TV. But thinking of these movies helps me remember part of the possibilities of Valentine's Day. I'm looking forward to it.

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