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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sexiness Approaches

For my dad's birthday we bought him P90X. A couple of my brothers have been using it and really like it, and my dad mentioned he might want to try it. So we got it. He opened it and literally groaned...we had tried our first P90X routine that morning with my brother Scott and my papa was not feeling to peppy towards it. Then I told him it came with a workout buddy - me. That's when he got excited. Though I had previously been less than thrilled about the commitment I was about to make, I found that as my dad became excited I did too.

Today was Day 3 of our 90 day trek to sexy. We're doing the lean routine (not the classic one - we wanna shed the fattiness. My body fat % is definitely much higher than I would like it to be). So far so good! I used to sneer at people who did P90X, thinking they were fitness nuts and didn't realize that they were putting their body through unnecessary pain. Don't get me wrong - I think working out is great. It's good for you. But I've never liked it. I am humbled by my sudden fondness for P90X. The workouts are engaging and really do work your body. I never thought I'd say it, but working out is fun. This may change. I may get sick of the workouts, though they're so various that I think it will take a while. And maybe I'll hit an exhaustion point where I just can't do any more. We'll see. But I'm determined to push through, if not for me then for my daddy. Having a workout buddy makes all the difference. So here's to 87 more days of 5:00am workouts. Wish us luck!

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