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Friday, May 22, 2009

This Week in the Life of Jenny

This week I drove to and from Provo more than I think I did all Winter semester. I just finished my first complete week of work at BYU Independent Study on their video crew. This is the first job where I haven't been bored most of the time. I get to help shoot videos for Independent Study courses then edit them using Final Cut Pro. I hope to learn how to use Photoshop and Adobe After Effects while I work there too. You can do some amazing things with the right tools and know-how. The time moves quickly when I work, and I really like editing and going on shoots. It's very good experience as well.

This was also the third week of my internship with the KSL production department. I get to go on shoots with them as well, which I really enjoy. I have met some really neat and talented people while I've been there. They work with Avid editing machines there, and I'm learning how to use those too. I helped write and choose footage and sound for three spots for This Is The Place Heritage Park which will air throughout the summer. I've learned a great deal during my time there. I like the atmosphere a lot, and all the people that work there are great. They're very encouraging and helpful.

My sleeping habits have been terrible lately, but I don't entirely mind until I have to drive home from Provo. That gets a little sketchy. I have to play my music real loud and sing at the top of my lungs to stay awake. I'm sure I'm a sight to behold. I stay up late playing with Josh mostly - watching movies and X-Files and such. We enjoy ourselves. It's getting harder for me to face the reality that he is leaving on his mission. One of my best friends Lucky Mather is leaving very soon as well, and every time I think about it I get close to tears. Josh is my very best friend and I am starting to miss him already, and he doesn't leave until July 22nd. Just have to make the best of the time we have left, I suppose. He and Lucky are both going to be fabulous missionaries. I'm very excited for both of them at the same time that I am sad they're leaving.

Things I have been enjoying lately:

Dr. Pepper on a parched throat
Remington Steele, curled up in my room
Star Trek
X-Files with Josh
Inkdeath and Enna Burning in the bathtub
Long drives to great music, singing loudly
Galaxy Quest special features
Late nights with great friends
Sleeping in (rare, but fabulous)
Warm weather
Curling up on the love sac
Writing stories for fun
Summer movie season

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